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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Some photos from my last sports day

Well, this is my final sports day with Villa Maria. Next year I will be going to Primary school. As a senior, I participated as a band member. My instrument is the drum (or should I say a biscuit tin with a large metal spoon).

Here I am banging the "drum" to the beat of a disco song.

After the end of the routine, it is waiting time. My event was the last in the schedule. Here are I with my friends looking at the other races being conducted. I am from the green team.

Loads of audience this time. Weather is so hot and a number of my friends are dozing off or just seating profusely.

My event is up. Time to give it all. Go green team!

Its a sack race with a throwing section at the end. I hope I can hit the target!!!

We seem to be leading.

I think we are going to win this. Next is my turn. Hurrah!!!

Green team is the champion!! We won. We got Gold Medals for it. Below is the prize giving ceremony. All my team members were very happy.

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